Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fashion Break Number, oh, Whatever

One of my internet opera friends and I were chatting today about flip-flops. And believe it or not, this was not the first conversation he and I have had about them. And no, it's not the same guy who I'm meeting next week. So anyway, here are my new flip flops that I totally love because they have sparkly bits AND because they make me like 2 inches taller, pushing me up to 5'2"! Oh and they look so cute with my purple toenails.

I've even worn them to the theater... on performance days. They don't go on stage or into the house with me. But they like hanging out in the dressing room with the other shoes while I'm doing my non-spilling thing in the character shoes.

Opera, opera... let's see. Alex asked to hear Papageno's Birdcatcher Song in German about 5 times in a row today while he spun in circles until he fell. Kind of explains the toilet paper incident I reported yesterday.

Then he did the Sempre Libera Alien Noodle Dance. Charming, no? Welcome to my life.


DivaVixxen said...

Very nice flip-flops. Rock on!

Kaitebon said...

I want all my children to love opera as much as your son does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!