Saturday, February 14, 2009

Where Is the Bathroom?

I need to write about yesterday's trip to the opera to see Die Fledermaus, but at the moment I cannot due to the rather strong girltini type drink Husband so generously poured for me. Instead I would like to point out that Ann (Banawoman) is, right now, as I type, at Oberlin, waiting for Nathan Gunn to start his recital. And as I was typing this, she called me to let me know that the restroom is under the stage right next to the dressing room. Then Alex came into the room and said, "I love you mommy. I love you more than you love me."

On that note, I must participate in the Alex Bedtime Ritual. More later when I hear from Ann. And eventually I'll write about how wonderful Die Fledermaus was, cuz it was.

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