Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Follow the Bouncing Ball

Guess what? I thought that last week was my final voice lesson before the summer. I even handed in my key card. (which reminds me, they owe me $5!) But on Sunday my teacher said, "See you Thursday." I clarified with her, and yes, there IS one more lesson! Whoo hoo! So we'll probably go back to Gretchen am Spinnrade, which we never really started, and then... summer break. I signed up for summer lessons but so far I'm the only one. I think she needs a minimum number to get the room for the day? I don't know.

Ooh looking for that link was the first time I actually heard the song. So far I've listened only to the pronunciation and the accompaniment on the CD. It's haunting! I'll embed it:

I like these videos that show the music. It's like, a step above "follow the bouncing ball."

So anyway, if I have time on Thursday after my lesson I'll post about whatever it is we do. If I have time... as I have to pack my little overnight bag for my Upcoming Adventure, and who knows how long that will take. (ok probably about 20 minutes but this is opera so I get to be dramatic.)

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