Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Who Wants to Babysit???

Nathan Gunn is doing a recital at Zankel Hall on April 15. I can get a ticket for $46 which means I could do the entire evening for like $60 including the train. Woo hoo, I thought... I'm gonna go!

Then, reality: When is Husband going to that conference in Boston? Oh yeah... April 15 - 18. And he's not even going to see Nathan there on the 17th. Wait a sec why aren't Alex and I going to Boston too?

So... anyway... anyone want to babysit on April 15th? Play trains with a rambunctious 3 year old, read him a bunch of stories and put him to bed? We have cable, on-demand, high-speed Internet, unlimited long-distance calling and I'd get a pizza and fill the house with snacks. Anyone?


Anonymous said...

I can do it... I'm flying in to New York a few days before that. Jeez, your husband would FREAK.

"And who are you leaving our son with?"
- An aquaintance.
"And who is this person?"
-A 17 year old.
"Ok...and how do you know him?"
- Um...um....he reads my blog, and um...likes my videos on Youtube!
"Are you kidding ME?!!!!!"
-Relax, honey. He knows Alex really well! He knows that Alex likes to bounce on a ball, and play thomas the tank engine...and um...be carried while I run around...and um..he likes to bang on rocks! Jimmy's totally got this covered! I checked his facebook pics, he looks normal.

*Husband faints*

Anonymous said...

Oh my god! AND...AND we would watch the Magic Flute...on a loop! Your son would love me! Or..he would call the cops.


Susan said...

If you play trains with him with Magic Flute on in the background, then bounce him on the ball during the Big Song (Translation: Carmen Suite) you'd be Alex's friend for life.

My husband wouldn't freak. He'd be glad I found a babysitter. Wait you're not a molester, are you?

So how far are you willing to travel to babysit, and what's your fee??????? :) (I'm only half joking.)

On the other hand, if I do find a babysitter, you should GO WITH ME!!! Although I'm sure as I type this the recital is selling out.

Parsifal said...

Parsi has two videos for you...

Susan said...

Susan is curious about Parsi's videos... :)