Sunday, March 2, 2008

What's Your Vector, Victor?

Illness spreads through the house. It starts when coworkers come to work sick. They pass bacteria with the file folders and I bring it home.

I woke up coughing Thursday. Friday I developed a fever. Yesterday, Saturday, Alex refused to eat and was generally whiny. I was still feverish and feeling worn out. Last night I was up most of the night with Alex as his temperature went up up up - 102.5 in the ear thermometer that I'm still not sure how to use. (for example... I was 100.5 in one ear and well below normal, like in the too cold to be alive range, in the other...) Today I have a cough that finishes like an old car struggling to start in the cold. Alex is still a bit warm and now Jim has a low grade fever and cough. I don't recall a contagion spreading this quickly through the house before. Hopefully it'll be gone tomorrow in time for work and school.

Strangely, I can still sing. I'm not singing much because the cough irritates my throat, but Alex keeps asking me to sing from this little songbook of children's songs so I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Sickness! I see we have similar taste in movies. Airplane may be my favorite comedy. It always has me in stiches, so much so, that my friends and I love getting together JUST to watch airplane. We all know it by heart, but hey, it's brilliant.

-Jimmy (I don't have a google id!)