Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blogging Makes it Better

You know how sometimes you'll have a problem or an issue or something, and just telling someone about it solves it? I feel like that happened here. After I wrote about how I was having trouble staying on the same note during a crescendo, boom, I was able to do it. Is it possible that simply writing about it somehow changed something in my brain?

I'm still missing my voice lessons. I never did get an opportunity to switch to another teacher for the summer. The school just went ahead and refunded my money, and since finances are tight, I didn't do anything else. However, I am still owed 1 lesson from last semester. My teacher keeps telling me to come up to her house for it. Maybe I will one day. Now that I think about it, she lives near the mall that has a Godiva shop in it, or at least it did the last time I was there, uh... almost 20 years ago...

In the interest of Opera Fashion, and of not having the money to go on a shopping spree, I've started a new weight loss and exercise regime. I was spurred on by two, yes, two people this month assuming I was pregnant!! One of them wouldn't leave it alone - when I told her no, it's just too much food, she said, "Oh, kind of like a beer belly?" Right. Um, come stand closer so I can smack you. The other person was the librarian. She said, "You won't be checking out all those pregnancy books like you did when you were pregnant with your first." Umm... what? Oh... I see... I just said no and ducked behind a shelf. She'll eventually figure it out...

Makes me wonder... are my coworkers wondering if I'm pregnant but don't want to ask? Which is good. Never ever ask a woman if she's pregnant. Never assume she is pregnant unless she says, "My water just broke and the baby is coming!" And the proper reply to that is, "Oh, you're pregnant? I couldn't tell."

So I've signed up for this free online calorie counter. You put in what you eat and what you do. It tells you how many calories are going in and out. You give it your current weight and your goal and it tells you how many calories you can take in per day to achieve the goal. My goal is to fit back into last year's opera outfits. And I'm writing about it here so I have a place to check in - makes me less likely to cheat. Wish me luck!


Lilly said...

There's a free app for the iPhone called Lose It, which has been helpful to me. I'm down 12 pounds! :) Good luck!

Susan said...

Being home alone all day today was not a good thing...
Tomorrow I'll begin again...

edda said...

Susan, you´re welcome. I´ve been reading your blog for some time, love your funny style. Concerning the weight issue: last year during my stay in NY I put on 2 kilogramm, within 10 days! Why? Just by drinking soft drinks instead of tap water. I usually drink 2-3 liter of tap water a day for health reasons, but I found out that american tap water is treated with chlorine, which makes an awful taste. But drinking soft drinks wasn´t also that good idea.

Susan said...

Thanks Edda!

I don't drink soft drinks, but I do enjoy an occasional glass of wine or cocktail. Otherwise it's water (we have a filter) or coffee. My extra calories come from finishing what my son doesn't eat - it's hard to throw it away! But I have been, lately. Smaller portions and more exercise should make a difference.

I'm taking it 1 food challenge at a time. :)