Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Telephone Excitement

Had a great voice lesson the other day!!! I've been practicing riding my voice on top of the airstream and WOW it really makes a difference. My teacher was excited too - she actually called a colleague (someone I've met before) and we left a message on his answering machine of me singing, and then she was all exited to tell him (on the machine) that it was me. She said they're all supporting me and wanting me to do well. Can I express in words here how it feels to hear that?? No, I cannot. But let me just say, it feels nice. It feels great. Like, weepy great. I didn't actually weep (apparently I save that for the opera house) but it was very nice to hear. Eventually I'll post a recording here to share my progress. I sound like someone else. Sometimes I have to stop and think, Is that me? Who is that? Oh, it IS me. So hard to explain. What a change, what a difference. I promise, I'll get a recording up soon. Soonish.

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