Monday, April 29, 2013


Hello, Dear Readers!! Remember last year when I begged everyone to vote for my Vintage Cherry, and remember how I won those tickets to see Elixir of Love at the Metropolitan Opera? Well...

I've entered another clicky-click contest! One click a day. The top 7 win tickets to see and meet 30 Seconds to Mars!!! You can click once a day thru May 9. Please click, please share, please click and share again tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that...


Friday, April 5, 2013

The Random Gift

Just realized that I never did report back about the "special gift" that was part of my Elixir of Love Prize. I was excepting something related either to Elixir of Love or else to cocktails. Nope. I got a large envelope in the mail from the Met Opera a few days after the performance. Opened to find a random assortment of items from the gift shop:

A bookmark, a deck of "What Do You Know About Opera" trivia cards, a blank sketch book with a Boheme-themed cover and the season book. It looks like someone went into the shop and randomly tossed a few items into the envelope. I'm not complaining - as I said before, the tickets were the real gift. It was just kind of humorous to get this random assortment of items.